We've argued that the pandemic is good for suppressing the pollution. Is it all true?




Ratna Kuatiningsari
I agree that Covid makes air pollution decrease, but the unique fact is that in Indonesia there are mountains of medical waste in landfills, which causes other pollution

I would like to add concerning the pollution and COVID 19. In my opinion, the increase in home delivery, either it is for food, groceries, or even fresh produce (My family had this early during the pandemic) is something that we need to be aware of. Even though there might be a decrease in polution from not using our personal vehicle, the logistical business are running in higher capacity than before. I will try to find to find a more reliable data to support my statement.


@Ratna Kuatiningsari Do you reuse the mask?
@STANLEY ADRIAN SOESILO maybe someone from the family can bring reusable bag and change the frequency of purchase?

Right now the policy in Indonesia only allow for reusable bag, and every supermarkets are not allowed to provide non-reusable bag. But, home delivery means that the sender (Whether its a restaurant or a supermarket) needs to prepare a secondary packaging for the items in the form of paperbags (restaurants) or carboard boxes (for supermarket if I'm not mistaken)1Ratna Kuatiningsari 3 months ago
@Mark Lan It depends on the type of mask. For a rag mask can be used over and over, so can a n95 mask, but there are idle ways and provisions to recycle it. So far I can only wear 1 times a surgical mask

Ratna Kuatiningsari
It depends on the type of mask. For a rag mask can be used over and over, so can a n95 mask, but there are idle ways and provisions to recycle it. So far I can only wear 1 times a surgical mask

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