The meaning of the word 惜福 "Xi Fu" in Chinese .



Good morning! Wish you a wonderful week ahead.
Many people profess Buddism in Taiwan. One of the major principles in Buddism is to cherish the food you have every day and don't waste it. The word 惜福 "Xi Fu" in Chinese means to cherish and becomes a common notion in the Chinese culture.In Taiwan we have the so-called Xi-Fu meal.

It could mean a restutant offers a meal out of remaining dishes of the day at a discount rate. Or to offer a discount on expire-to-be items in the convenient store. Some religious school not only from a Buddism one, but also those Catholic or Christian, call for a Xi-Fu campaign. The participating facilties and students reduce their group meal budget for one meal by eating simle noodles and soup. The money pooled up beacuase of the campaign goes to those in need. Do you have similiar religious value? And have you seen similiar practice in your country? 

Buddhists in particular and other believers, in general, want to do many things for the common good. It is great to know about Xi-Fu campaign. We have an activity of 2-thousand (2000) meals in Vietnam, which means the meal costs only 1-tenth dollar only for those who are in need in big cities such as Ho Chi Minh city. Also, there are a lot of different groups delivering free meals to some places in the city such as near the hospitals, temples, etc. Sharing is caring is becoming more common. Specifically, in school, students are encouraged to save money to donate to charity projects by not buying a cup of milk tea. They are more aware of simple good deeds or acts of kindness they can do every day. 

Mark Lan,
Project Host
Providence University
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